Reports database/Other
CFD thermal simulations for CAST, He4 simulations [report]
HVAC simulations for the new Prévessin HUB [report]
CFD thermal simulations for CENF air purge with helium [report]
CFD thermal simulations for CROME radiation monitoring PCB design project [report]
CFD simulations for the SHIP target design feasibility [report]
HVAC analysis for building 311 [report]
CFD thermal simulations for the air-cooling of the PSB dump upgrade - July 2013 [report]
Aerosol sampling in ventilation outlets of CERN ventilation facilities - May 2013 [project request] - [report] -[poster]
Ventilation of Building 180 - July 2011 [project request] - [report]
Ventilation Process of the Extraction Hall of MedAuston, Austria - June 2011 [project request] - [report]
CAST (CERN Axion Solar Telescope) Project - June 2011 [project request] - [report] - [poster]
Sonar Flow Meter - April 2011 [project request] - [report] - [report for the Pinched Flow Meter] - [poster]
HiRadMat tunnel Ventilation - March 2010 [report]
A feasibility study for the new n_TOF Target - May 2007 [project request] - [report]
Thermal Evaluation of Different DC Multi-Conductor Cable Cross-Sections and Installation Patterns for the CLIC Drive Beam Quadrupoles - August 2006 [project request] - [ report]
Investigation of the Ventilation System of Two Computer Rooms using CFD Techniques - July 2006 [project request]
Cooling of the P326 Gigatracker Silicon Pixel Detector (SPIBES) - May 2006 [project request] - [report]
Cooling Efficiency of the LHCf Heat Sources - February 2006 [project request] - [report]
CFD Simulation of a Fire in CERN Globe of Science and Innovation - January 2005 [project request] - [report]
Estimation of Heat Flux from the Wall of the Cavern and Tunnels to the Surrounding Ground Report - 2005 [click here]
Cooling Strategies and Thermal Analysis of a Module of the NA60 Silicon Tracking Telescope - September 2003 [report]
Thermal Analysis of the LHCb Muon Detector - 2003 [report]
Target Cooling for the TOF Experiment - January 2001 [report]