Reports database/ALICE
ALICE L3 ventilation rail design - April 2010 [report]
CFD Calculation of the Temperature Gradient of the Drift Gas inside the ALICE Time Projection Chamber - July 2007 [project request]
Cooling of the Pixel Trigger System of the ALICE Silicon Detector using Flotherm - April 2006 [project request] - [report]
Thermal and Flow Behaviour of the ALICE Muon Trigger Detector - March 2006 [project request] - [report]
Thermal and Flow Behaviour of ALICE Muon Spectrometer Tracking Station 3 Environment - January 2006 [project request]
CFD Study of ALICE Inner Tracking System Thermal Behaviour (further cases) - January 2006 [project request] - [report]
CFD Study of Temperature in Power Cables - November 2005 [project request] - [report]
The CFD Study of the ALICE L3 Volume Ventilation (further application of Case 5) - October 2005 [project request] - [report]
Thermal and Flow Behaviour of ALICE Muon Spectrometer Tracking Station 3 Environment - July 2005 [project request]
Thermal and Flow Behaviour of ALICE Muon Spectrometer Tracking Station 1 & 2 Environment - June 2005 [project request] - [report]
Temperature Field on ALICE Muon Detector - April 2005 [project request] - [report]
The CFD Study of the ALICE Inner Tracking System Thermal Behaviour - January 2005 [report]
Thermal Analysis of the ALICE Detector Barrel Part - August 2003 [report]
Thermal Analysis of the ALICE Detector for the LHC - February 2000 [report]